Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ancient vs. Modern

The assignment was to create an art piece that represented the joining of the ancient and modern. I found this task to be difficult because the assignment was so open. I started off by sketching various ideas into my sketch book. I imagined what the future would be like and the role nature would play in society. I imagined that nature was something that did not exist except in an artificial way. I drew sketches of families sitting around and watching trees on TV to portray this message. I also thought about nature and technology in a way that was more literal. I drew a giant tree but the bark as a hard drive of a computer. However, I ended up taking my art piece in a more comical direction. I drew a rock plugged into an outlet. I came to this idea by thinking about something that would seem wrong to try to combine it with technology.

I decided that it would be best to physically put a cord through a rock. I did not think that it would be as humorous if I were to paint or draw a cord through a rock. I drilled two holes into the rock and then put the cord through it. I made sure that the cord was secure by using JB Weld epoxy. Unfortunately, I was unable to plug the rock into an outlet because it would be dangerous. I think that if I had more time to work on the project then I would have incorporated a switch onto the rock. I also think that I would have chosen a larger rock.

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