Sunday, February 16, 2014

Time Map

The Time Map was an interesting assignment for me because it was a challenge to find a creative way to measure time. I decided to examine how long it would take to tie a person's shoe laces. I decided to choose this action for the time map because I liked the idea of photographing an everyday process. I also like the idea of lacing something up because it reminds me of corsets. My suitemate has a pair of combat boots which lace up so it was the perfect fit. I preferred combat boots over gym shoes for example because the process of lacing up boots is much longer. I photographed the lacing of the boots and printed them out. I decided to run twine through each photo. I chose yellow twine to match the yellow shoelaces in my suitemate's combat boots. I also made sure that the time map was split into two one representing the time it takes to lace up a left and right boot. I also made sure that the string had a criss crossing laced up look to it.

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